VAT included in the published prices. Prices are valid except for a typographical error.
The user voluntarily accepts the veracity of the data entered and accepts the responsibility and commitment that entails the commission of a product or order.
By registering at Flexor.es you accept the terms and conditions of use of the same. These terms and conditions may be modified at any time, being these modifications published on our website. The use of flexor.es services after having published the modifications in the terms and conditions of use supposes the acceptance of the same. If you do not accept such modifications, please cancel your account as a registered user of flexor.es, by sending an e-mail to info@flexor.es indicating that you want to unsubscribe from the service.
Responsibility of members
We assume that members of the flexor.es community will act responsibly and will use flexor.es’s tools correctly and legally. If flexor.es determines that any of its members is not using the tools it provides in a responsible manner, flexor.es will be entitled to censor, edit or block all types of transmissions of information of this member or the use of flexor.es.
Delivery time
The delivery time is between 3 and 5 working days.
In the event that flexor.es cannot meet this deadline due to lack of stock, our customer service will contact you within 1 to 3 business days, to notify you and proceed with the confirmation of the date of service.
Shipping costs
Peninsular Spain: FLAT RATE 6 €
Portugal: 6 €
The prices of the products on the Web include the Value Added Tax (I.V.A.). If you are a company with the right to exempt taxes, you must provide us with your VAT number and the relevant certificate.
The purchase system is subject to the legislation in force in Spain, therefore the sales transactions will be understood carried out at the address of Flexor SA:
C/Watt, 3, 08210 Barberà del Vallès
Exchanges and refunds
Only returns of merchandise will be accepted during the 30 days after its receipt and that have been authorized by the company Flexor SA.
To process the return, you must complete the request form for changes and returns indicating the reason for your request. If it is a defective item, indicate defect.
In case Flexor deems it appropriate, the product will be collected at your home at no additional cost to the customer. In that case Flexor will contact the client to explain how to proceed.
Flexor will not pay the customer the cost of sending defective material that the customer has unilaterally forwarded without prior authorization.
In case of return for defective material due to a failure of manufacture Flexor will replace the material by one of new or by another of the same category. In no case will refund the amount paid by the customer, but a valid credit will be issued for future purchases.
In case of return because the material is not correct (size, color, etc.), due to an error on the part of the customer, the customer must send the goods by postage paid to the address indicated in the authorization. FLEXOR will be replaced according to the terms of the order delivery period without any additional costs.
In no case will refund the amount paid by the customer, but will proceed to make a valid payment for future purchases.
In case of error in the shipment by FLEXOR, Flexor will pick it up and forward the correct product at no additional cost to the customer.
It will be understood that the user accepts the conditions of privacy and confidentiality when filling out and accepting any of the data collection forms.
The personal data sent by the users are protected and their manipulation is restricted according to the Spanish legislation reflected in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD).
When the user provides their personal data through any of the forms of our website, these are incorporated into our database legalized on the Spanish Agency for Data Protection, on the purpose of performing general commercial contact, informing about competitions organized by the company and for sending, through any means, information related to the products and services offered by Flexor, S.A.
Flexor, S.A. do not have credit cards details at any time. The data is entered directly into a secure web page of the bank that manages the payment, thus guaranteeing greater security and confidentiality.
Flexor, S.A. Ensures the total confidentiality of the data provided by the users of our website and guarantees that in no case will be assigned or sold to third parties or used for another purpose than described above.
The user will, in any case, respond to the veracity of the data provided, reserving Flexor, S.A. the right to exclude from the registered services those users who have provided false information, without prejudice to taking such legal action as it deems pertinent.
In accordance with the provisions of the LOPD, persons included in the Flexor, S.A. may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and revocation of consent for the assignment of their data in the terms established in said law and other norms developed. For this, the user must communicate it by writing to the email or postal address indicated in Contact section.