Flexor Code of Ethics
All those working at FLEXOR, S.A. and for the Group, without distinction or exception, undertake to comply with and ensure compliance with these rules as part of their duties and responsibilities.
Under no circumstances can the conviction to act in the benefit/interest of FLEXOR justify the adoption of practices contrary to these principles.
It is important to clearly define the set of values that FLEXOR recognises, accepts and shares and the set of responsibilities that FLEXOR assumes both internally and externally. For this reason, we have prepared this “Code of Ethics”, which contains a set of principles and rules whose adherence
by the addressees is essential for the proper functioning, reliability and reputation of FLEXOR.
The Code of Ethics is intended to ensure that operations, behaviour, working practices and internal and external relations are characterised by honesty, impartiality, integrity, loyalty and professional rigour.
FLEXOR carefully monitors compliance with the Code of Ethics, preparing appropriate information, prevention and control tools, and ensuring transparency of operations and behaviour, intervening, if necessary, with appropriate corrective actions and sanctions.
FLEXOR provides the widest possible dissemination of the Code of Ethics to all recipients and to the general public, including inclusion on the website www.flexor.es.
1.1 Scope of application and addressees of the Code of Ethics
All Addressees must be familiar with the Code of Ethics, comply with its provisions both in their relations with each other (internal relations) and with the public (external relations).
in their relations with each other (internal relations) and in their relations with third parties (external entities), and who actively contribute to the
(external entities), and that they actively contribute to its implementation and report any shortcomings to the competent
competent reference function.
Company Representatives should embody the values and principles of the Code by assuming internal and external responsibilities and by
and external responsibilities and strengthening trust, cohesion and team spirit.
1.2 Employee Obligations
All employees should be familiar with the rules of the Code and the reference standards that
regulate the activities carried out as part of their duties. Group employees are obliged to:
– Refrain from conduct contrary to these rules;
– Consult their superiors and/or the Ethics Committee for clarification on how to apply them;
– Promptly report to their supervisor and/or the Ethics Committee any information obtained directly or reported by others regarding
promptly report to your supervisor and/or the Ethics Committee any information obtained directly or reported by others regarding a possible violation or any request received to violate them.
2.1 Human resources management.
Human resources are an indispensable element of the Company’s existence. The dedication and
The dedication and professionalism of its employees are determining the values and conditions for its success.
FLEXOR offers all employees the same opportunities for professional growth by ensuring that all employees enjoy equal treatment.
that all can enjoy equal treatment, without discrimination of any kind. Competent functions
– Select, hire, train, compensate and manage employees without discrimination;
– Monitor the work environment to ensure that personal characteristics do not lead to discrimination.
Each Recipient shall actively cooperate to maintain a climate of mutual respect for the dignity and reputation of each other.
and reputation of each other. Therefore, the Group combats any behaviour or attitude which is
discriminatory, oppressive or prejudicial to individuals and their beliefs and preferences.
Furthermore, any form of hard or child labour is rejected.
Any violation of the provisions of this article shall be reported immediately to the Ethics Committee.
2.2 Health and safety
The Group is committed to spreading and consolidating a culture of safety, developing risk awareness and promoting
awareness of risks and promoting responsible behaviour by all employees, and by working to preserve, notably by
working to preserve, mainly through preventive actions, the health and safety of employees.
FLEXOR’s activities are carried out in full compliance with the current regulations regarding
prevention and protection seeking to improve health and safety at work.
In particular, the fundamental principles and criteria by which decisions are taken, of all kinds and at all levels, with
types and at all levels, with regard to health and safety at work, can be identified as follows: – the principles and fundamental criteria by which decisions are taken, of all types and at all levels, with regard to health and safety at work, can be identified as follows
as follows:
a) Avoid risks;
b) Assess risks that cannot be avoided;
(c) Combating hazards at source;
(d) Adapting work to the individual, in particular with regard to the design of workstations and the selection of work equipment and work and production methods, in particular to reduce the workload of workers.
(d) Tailoring work to the individual, in particular with regard to workstation design and the selection of work equipment and work and production methods, in particular to reduce monotonous and
monotonous and repetitive work and to reduce its effects on health;
(e) Take account of technical progress;
(f) Replacing what is hazardous with what is non-hazardous or less hazardous;
(g) Planning prevention, aiming at a coherent whole integrating technology, work organisation, working conditions, working conditions
(g) Planning prevention, aiming at a coherent whole integrating technique, work organisation, working conditions, social relations and the influence of the working environment;
(h) Giving priority to collective protective measures over personal protective measures;
i) Giving appropriate instructions to workers.
FLEXOR uses these principles to take the necessary measures to protect the safety and health of workers, including the prevention of risks to health and safety at work.
health and safety of workers, including the prevention of occupational risks, information and training, as well as providing the necessary organisation and means.
providing the necessary organisation and means.
2.3 Sexual harassment
FLEXOR does not tolerate sexual harassment, i.e. the subordination of salary or career prospects to the
sexual favours; proposals for private interpersonal relationships, made despite explicit or reasonable
explicit or reasonably clear displeasure, which have the capacity, in relation to the specific situation,
to disturb the serenity of the recipient.
2.4 Alcohol and drug abuse
FLEXOR requires each employee to make a personal contribution to maintaining a working environment that
respects the feelings of others. Therefore, the following are considered to be unlawful behaviour
– Working under the influence of alcohol, drugs or substances with similar effects;
– Using or supplying narcotics, for any reason, during work.
2.5 Smoking
In view of the Group’s desire to create a healthy and comfortable environment for its employees and visitors, the Group has implemented a general ban on smoking in the workplace.
implemented a general ban on smoking in the workplace.
2.6 Respect for differences
In conducting the Group’s business, employees are required to respect the dignity and rights of individuals
without distinction of any kind. It is the Group’s policy and value not to discriminate against employees in any way and to observe the principle of equality of treatment.
and observe the principle of equal employment opportunity without regard to age, gender, race, religion, colour, sex, national origin
race, religion, colour, physical disability, citizenship, marital status or sexual orientation.
No form of harassment in the workplace will be tolerated.
This Code of Ethics was adopted by the Board of Directors of FLEXOR, S.A., effective immediately,
on 15 January 2019. Any update, amendment or revision of this Code of Ethics must be approved by FLEXOR’s Board of Directors.
approved by the Board of Directors of FLEXOR, S.A.
Communications and reports required by this Code should be addressed:
(i) by mail: To the kind attention of the Ethics Committee
C/ Watt, 3-5 08210 Barberà de Vallès.
(ii) by e-mail, to the following e-mail address: